# skunkworks-c ## code standard snake_case for variables, function names, and struct names. always explicit struct, no typedefs. prefix struct members with _ (yes, its allowed, but _within_ structs only) if "private". function order: - create functions(including unnamed value type ones) - destroy functions - empty line - static functions(ones that don't take object as parameter) - empty line - methods(ones that do take object as parameter) ## game skunk advance stuffs do lots automagic... magic main function within the header? autocalling update and init function. texture loading compile time? parse directory, make a variable for each (player.png -> tex_player), and a loading function that will load all of them. ### game skunk advance specs 8-bit colour, but user changeable palette(realtime) tilesize 16x16 screensize 304x176 (19x11 tiles) multiple tilesets... or singular big tileset? the latter... could be a nice simplification... maybe 65536 tiles, a 4096x4096 pixels texture 4 tilemaps, 1024x1024 each, tileset offsets?, rotation and other effects 256 sprites (using tileset)