
394 lines
13 KiB

## Copyright (C) 2002-2008, Marcelo E. Magallon <mmagallo[]debian org>
## Copyright (C) 2002-2008, Milan Ikits <milan ikits[]ieee org>
## This program is distributed under the terms and conditions of the GNU
## General Public License Version 2 as published by the Free Software
## Foundation or, at your option, any later version.
use strict;
use warnings;
sub compile_regex
my $regex = join('', @_);
return qr/$regex/
my @sections = (
"Name Strings?",
"New Procedures and Functions",
"New Tokens.*", # Optional (GL/WGL/GLX/...) suffix
"Additions to Chapter.*",
my %typemap = (
bitfield => "GLbitfield",
boolean => "GLboolean",
# fsck up in EXT_vertex_array
Boolean => "GLboolean",
byte => "GLbyte",
clampd => "GLclampd",
clampf => "GLclampf",
double => "GLdouble",
enum => "GLenum",
# Intel fsck up
Glenum => "GLenum",
float => "GLfloat",
half => "GLhalf",
int => "GLint",
short => "GLshort",
sizei => "GLsizei",
ubyte => "GLubyte",
uint => "GLuint",
ushort => "GLushort",
DMbuffer => "void *",
# Nvidia video output fsck up
int64EXT => "GLint64EXT",
uint64EXT=> "GLuint64EXT",
# ARB VBO introduces these.
sizeiptr => "GLsizeiptr",
intptr => "GLintptr",
sizeiptrARB => "GLsizeiptrARB",
intptrARB => "GLintptrARB",
# ARB shader objects introduces these, charARB is at least 8 bits,
# handleARB is at least 32 bits
charARB => "GLcharARB",
handleARB => "GLhandleARB",
char => "GLchar",
# OpenGL 3.2 and GL_ARB_sync
int64 => "GLint64",
uint64 => "GLuint64",
sync => "GLsync",
# AMD_debug_output
# ARB_debug_output
# KHR_debug
vdpauSurfaceNV => "GLvdpauSurfaceNV",
# GLX 1.3 defines new types which might not be available at compile time
#GLXFBConfig => "void*",
#GLXFBConfigID => "XID",
#GLXContextID => "XID",
#GLXWindow => "XID",
#GLXPbuffer => "XID",
# Weird stuff to some SGIX extension
#GLXFBConfigSGIX => "void*",
my %voidtypemap = (
void => "GLvoid",
my %taboo_tokens = (
GL_ZERO => 1,
# list of function definitions to be ignored, unless they are being defined in
# the given spec. This is an ugly hack arround the fact that people writing
# spec files seem to shut down all brain activity while they are at this task.
# This will be moved to its own file eventually.
# (mem, 2003-03-19)
my %fnc_ignore_list = (
"BindProgramARB" => "ARB_vertex_program",
"ColorSubTableEXT" => "EXT_color_subtable",
"DeleteProgramsARB" => "ARB_vertex_program",
"GenProgramsARB" => "ARB_vertex_program",
"GetProgramEnvParameterdvARB" => "ARB_vertex_program",
"GetProgramEnvParameterfvARB" => "ARB_vertex_program",
"GetProgramLocalParameterdvARB" => "ARB_vertex_program",
"GetProgramLocalParameterfvARB" => "ARB_vertex_program",
"GetProgramStringARB" => "ARB_vertex_program",
"GetProgramivARB" => "ARB_vertex_program",
"IsProgramARB" => "ARB_vertex_program",
"ProgramEnvParameter4dARB" => "ARB_vertex_program",
"ProgramEnvParameter4dvARB" => "ARB_vertex_program",
"ProgramEnvParameter4fARB" => "ARB_vertex_program",
"ProgramEnvParameter4fvARB" => "ARB_vertex_program",
"ProgramLocalParameter4dARB" => "ARB_vertex_program",
"ProgramLocalParameter4dvARB" => "ARB_vertex_program",
"ProgramLocalParameter4fARB" => "ARB_vertex_program",
"ProgramLocalParameter4fvARB" => "ARB_vertex_program",
"ProgramStringARB" => "ARB_vertex_program",
"glXCreateContextAttribsARB" => "ARB_create_context_profile",
"wglCreateContextAttribsARB" => "WGL_ARB_create_context_profile",
my %regex = (
eofnc => qr/(?:\);?$|^$)/, # )$ | );$ | ^$
extname => qr/^[A-Z][A-Za-z0-9_]+$/,
none => qr/^\(none\)$/,
function => qr/^(.+) ([a-z][a-z0-9_]*) \((.+)\)$/i,
prefix => qr/^(?:[aw]?gl|glX)/, # gl | agl | wgl | glX
tprefix => qr/^(?:[AW]?GL|GLX)_/, # GL_ | AGL_ | WGL_ | GLX_
section => compile_regex('^(', join('|', @sections), ')$'), # sections in spec
token => qr/^([A-Z0-9][A-Z0-9_x]*):?\s+((?:0x)?[0-9A-Fa-f]+(u(ll)?)?)(|\s[^\?]*)$/, # define tokens
types => compile_regex('\b(', join('|', keys %typemap), ')\b'), # var types
voidtype => compile_regex('\b(', keys %voidtypemap, ')\b '), # void type
# reshapes the the function declaration from multiline to single line form
sub normalize_prototype
local $_ = join(" ", @_);
s/\s+/ /g; # multiple whitespace -> single space
s/\<.*\>//g; # remove <comments> from direct state access extension
s/\<.*$//g; # remove incomplete <comments> from direct state access extension
s#/\*.*\*/##g; # remove /* ... */ comments
s/\s*\(\s*/ \(/; # exactly one space before ( and none after
s/\s*\)\s*/\)/; # no space before or after )
s/\s*\*([a-zA-Z])/\* $1/; # "* identifier"
s/\*wgl/\* wgl/; # "* wgl"
s/\*glX/\* glX/; # "* glX"
s/\.\.\./void/; # ... -> void
s/;$//; # remove ; at the end of the line
return $_;
# Ugly hack to work arround the fact that functions are declared in more
# than one spec file.
sub ignore_function($$)
return exists($fnc_ignore_list{$_[0]}) && $fnc_ignore_list{$_[0]} ne $_[1]
sub parse_spec($)
my $filename = shift;
my $extname = "";
my $vendortag = "";
my @extnames = ();
my %functions = ();
my %tokens = ();
my $section = "";
my @fnc = ();
my %proc = (
"Name" => sub {
if (/^([a-z0-9]+)_([a-z0-9_]+)/i)
$extname = "$1_$2";
$vendortag = $1;
"Name Strings" => sub {
# Add extension name to extension list
# Initially use $extname if (none) specified
if (/$regex{none}/)
$_ = $extname;
if (/$regex{extname}/)
# prefix with "GL_" if prefix not present
s/^/GL_/ unless /$regex{tprefix}/o;
# Add extension name to extension list
push @extnames, $_;
"New Procedures and Functions" => sub {
# if line matches end of function
if (/$regex{eofnc}/)
# add line to function declaration
push @fnc, $_;
# if normalized version of function looks like a function
if (normalize_prototype(@fnc) =~ /$regex{function}/)
# get return type, name, and arguments from regex
my ($return, $name, $parms) = ($1, $2, $3);
if (!ignore_function($name, $extname))
# prefix with "gl" if prefix not present
$name =~ s/^/gl/ unless $name =~ /$regex{prefix}/;
# is this a pure GL function?
if ($name =~ /^gl/ && $name !~ /^glX/)
# apply typemaps
$return =~ s/$regex{types}/$typemap{$1}/og;
$return =~ s/GLvoid/void/og;
$return =~ s/void\*/void */og;
$parms =~ s/$regex{types}/$typemap{$1}/og;
$parms =~ s/$regex{voidtype}/$voidtypemap{$1}/og;
$parms =~ s/GLvoid/void/og;
$parms =~ s/ void\* / void */og;
# add to functions hash
$functions{$name} = {
rtype => $return,
parms => $parms,
# reset function declaration
@fnc = ();
} elsif ($_ ne "" and $_ ne "None") {
# if not eof, add line to function declaration
push @fnc, $_
"New Tokens" => sub {
if (/$regex{token}/)
my ($name, $value) = ($1, $2);
# prefix with "GL_" if prefix not present
$name =~ s/^/GL_/ unless $name =~ /$regex{tprefix}/;
# Add (name, value) pair to tokens hash, unless it's taboo
$tokens{$name} = $value unless exists $taboo_tokens{$name};
# Some people can't read, the template clearly says "Name String_s_"
$proc{"Name String"} = $proc{"Name Strings"};
# Open spec file
open SPEC, "<$filename" or return;
# For each line of SPEC
# Delete trailing newline character
# Remove trailing white spaces
# If starts with a capital letter, it must be a new section
if (/^[A-Z]/)
# Match section name with one of the predefined names
$section = /$regex{section}/o ? $1 : "default";
} else {
# Line is internal to a section
# Remove leading whitespace
# Call appropriate section processing function if it exists
&{$proc{$section}} if exists $proc{$section};
close SPEC;
return ($extname, \@extnames, \%tokens, \%functions);
my @speclist = ();
my %extensions = ();
my $ext_dir = shift;
my $reg_http = "";
# Take command line arguments or read list from file
if (@ARGV)
@speclist = @ARGV;
} else {
local $/; #???
@speclist = split "\n", (<>);
foreach my $spec (sort @speclist)
my ($extname, $extnames, $tokens, $functions) = parse_spec($spec);
foreach my $ext (@{$extnames})
my $info = "$ext_dir/" . $ext;
open EXT, ">$info";
print EXT $ext . "\n"; # Extension name
my $specname = $spec;
$specname =~ s/registry\/gl\/specs\///;
print EXT $reg_http . $specname . "\n"; # Extension info URL
print EXT $ext . "\n"; # Extension string
print EXT "\n"; # Resuses nothing by default
my $prefix = $ext;
$prefix =~ s/^(.+?)(_.+)$/$1/;
foreach my $token (sort {
if (${$tokens}{$a} eq ${$tokens}{$b}) {
$a cmp $b
} else {
if (${$tokens}{$a} =~ /_/) {
if (${$tokens}{$b} =~ /_/) {
$a cmp $b
} else {
} else {
if (${$tokens}{$b} =~ /_/) {
} else {
if (${$tokens}{$a} =~ /u(ll)?$/) {
if (${$tokens}{$b} =~ /u(ll)?$/) {
$a cmp $b
} else {
} else {
if (${$tokens}{$b} =~ /u(ll)?$/) {
} else {
if (hex ${$tokens}{$a} eq hex ${$tokens}{$b})
$a cmp $b
} else {
hex ${$tokens}{$a} <=> hex ${$tokens}{$b}
} keys %{$tokens})
if ($token =~ /^$prefix\_.*/i)
print EXT "\t" . $token . " " . ${\%{$tokens}}{$token} . "\n";
foreach my $function (sort keys %{$functions})
if ($function =~ /^$prefix.*/i)
print EXT "\t" . ${$functions}{$function}{rtype} . " " . $function . " (" . ${$functions}{$function}{parms} . ")" . "\n";
close EXT;